About Us

We're on a mission to make building scalable apps easy

Born in 2019, Runly was founded by developers who wanted to solve problems to help ourselves and fellow developers fall into the pit of success. We’ve built and maintained software for decades, solving problems for businesses big and small, for educational institutions, and for government. We understand the pressures of software consulting and the complexities of building a product. We chose to build Runly so that other developers could leverage our collective experience and focus on solving business problems instead of worrying about scalability and reliability.

Headquartered in New Orleans, our company is completely self-funded, so our customers are the sole voice we listen to when deciding how to improve our product. Our philosophy is simple: build tools that developers will love because they’re easy, useful, and reliable. You are our customer, not our product, and that won’t change. We are a small team, but we hope we can have a big impact!

Meet the Team


Anuj Shroff


Mark D'Arensbourg


William Sossamon